With Others We Succeed

WOWS Art & Design

Our WOWS schools work collaboratively to showcase the incredible art and design talents of all our pupils by holding a biannual art exhibition.

Staff at WOWS Schools are working towards the WOWS Art Exhibition.

The 2022 Exhibition will be held from

Monday 27th June 2022 until Sunday 10th July 2022.

Unfortunately, due to the COVID pandemic our Art Exhibition for 2020 was postponed and will take place in June 2022. However, the 2018 WOWS Art Exhibition was  titled 'A Walk Through Wigan' and was open to the public from Tuesday 19th June 2018 to Sunday 8th July 2018.

The collaborative centre piece for the exhibition was based on the work of Wigan artist

Lawrence Isherwood.

The WOWS 2016 Art Exhibition was titled 'Creativity in Bloom'.

Each school produced a sculpture based on the artwork of Georgia O'Keefe to form a central piece of artwork for the exhibition.

In addition to the central sculpture, every school showcased the art and design their children produce throughout the year.

The Power Point below demonstrates the outstanding art and design practice in WOWS schools. 

The WOWS 2014 Art Exhibition was titled 'Parallel Harmony'Each school produced a cube sculpture based on the work of Paul Klee.

The 18 cubes were then combined to create a centre piece artwork for the exhibition.

The slide show below is from the WOWS 2014 Art Exhibition.